Launch day for Pegg Thomas
Author Pegg Thomas won the 2022 Selah Award for historical romance with Sarah’s Choice, the first in her 18th-century Forts of Refuge...
Notable reads in 2022
I went down my Goodreads list of reviewed books. I don't review every single book I read--typically notable ones. I've read about 50...
Natural Law and the Christian
If you are like me, you hear the news and wonder. Maybe you get angry. My next novel, A Fallen Sparrow: A Novel of the American...
A Welcoming Throne
It used to be that the Book of Hebrews was a mysterious, closed book to me. There were places that sounded ominous, like the warning in...
He sees the sparrow
We lost our cat yesterday. Shadow was nearly twenty years old, and was clearly not well. Finally, she stopped eating. I made an...
Writing an easy-peasy review
Readers tell me how much they love my books but have doubts about writing a review. And I get it! Composing something coherent when the...
Happy Columbus Day!
Yes, I dare say it. I know he's white and male and dead. It kinda begs the question of why we celebrate certain days and people and...
Theology and the virus
Sometimes we think of "theology" as something dry and dusty. And, not relevant. It's a pastor's domain. But the truth is, our thoughts...
Gems . . . and gems . . .
Just returned from the 2017 Texas Home School Coalition's conference at The Woodlands, Texas. All our dirty laundry is washed, and I can...